Ditch SMS! How to convince your friends
Most of our conversations are digital, and our privacy hinges on our ability to convince others to use a private messaging platform. Getting friends and family to switch isn’t easy though! Here are some strategies you can try, ranging from educational methods, to downright sneakiness! 00:00 We have all decided to never answer our phone again
02:12 Its Easy
02:47 Privacy Leaks
04:29 Response Delay
05:45 Missed Connection
06:37 Daily Reward
08:35 App-Switching Fatigue
09:10 It’s Worth the Effort Convincing people to switch to a more private messaging app can be tough, but it’s definitely not something you should give up on. Persistence and patience are key. By encouraging better habits you really are making a more private world, starting in your own backyard. We got all our suggestions from Michael Bazzell’s book, “Extreme Privacy”: https://amzn.to/3BLZ1gq
Digital version: https://inteltechniques.com/book7.html (non affiliate link) Brought to you by NBTV team members: Lee Rennie, Cube Boy, Reuben Yap, Sam Ettaro, Will Sandoval and Naomi Brockwell To support NBTV, visit:
(tax-deductible in the US) Visit our shop!
https://Shop.NBTV.media Our eBook “Beginner’s Introduction To Privacy:
https://amzn.to/3WDSfku Beware of scammers, I will never give you a phone number or reach out to you with investment advice. I do not give investment advice. Watch this video on Odysee!
https://odysee.com/@NaomiBrockwell:4/ditch-sms:1 ________________________________________________________________________
Here are a bunch of products I like and use. Using these links helps support the channel and future videos! Recommended Books: Beginner’s Introduction To Privacy – Naomi Brockwell
https://amzn.to/3WDSfku Permanent Record – Edward Snowden
https://amzn.to/305negc What has the government done to our money – Rothbard
https://amzn.to/2KMzmcu Extreme Privacy – Michael Bazzel (The best privacy book I’ve ever read)
Digital version: https://inteltechniques.com/book7.html (non affiliate link) No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance State – Glenn Greenwald
https://amzn.to/2UQmJ4m Some of my favorite products to help protect your privacy! Brave browser: https://brave.com/nao076 Faraday bag (signal stopping, to protect your fob, credit card, computer, and phone)
https://amzn.to/3z02UiF Data Blocker (if you’re charging your phone in an unknown port, use this so that no data is transferred)
https://amzn.to/2SVh0J2 Camera tape (electrical tape is the best tape for covering phone and computer cameras)
https://amzn.to/3Xn8xBn USB-C to ethernet adapter:
https://amzn.to/2lOVBoy Privacy Screens (use your phone and computer in public? Keep your information safe!) Computer: (Search for the size right for your computer)
MacBook Air 13″ https://amzn.to/3VQvpZ7
HP/Dell/Acer/Asus/Lenovo 15.6″ https://amzn.to/3KK1Oda
Lenovo Thinkpad/HP Elitebook/Dell 14” https://amzn.to/4enT2zq Phone: (Search for the size for your phone, decide whether you want glass or plastic!)
Galaxy s24 – https://amzn.to/3VGgb8H
iPhone 15 – https://amzn.to/45vCd1h
Pixel 8 – https://amzn.to/3KFDuJF

Most of our conversations are digital, and our privacy hinges on our ability to convince others to use a private messaging platform. Getting friends and family to switch isn’t easy though! Here are some strategies you can try, ranging from educational methods, to downright sneakiness! 00:00 We have all decided to never answer our phone again
02:12 Its Easy
02:47 Privacy Leaks
04:29 Response Delay
05:45 Missed Connection
06:37 Daily Reward
08:35 App-Switching Fatigue
09:10 It’s Worth the Effort Convincing people to switch to a more private messaging app can be tough, but it’s definitely not something you should give up on. Persistence and patience are key. By encouraging better habits you really are making a more private world, starting in your own backyard. We got all our suggestions from Michael Bazzell’s book, “Extreme Privacy”: https://amzn.to/3BLZ1gq
Digital version: https://inteltechniques.com/book7.html (non affiliate link) Brought to you by NBTV team members: Lee Rennie, Cube Boy, Reuben Yap, Sam Ettaro, Will Sandoval and Naomi Brockwell To support NBTV, visit:
(tax-deductible in the US) Visit our shop!
https://Shop.NBTV.media Our eBook “Beginner’s Introduction To Privacy:
https://amzn.to/3WDSfku Beware of scammers, I will never give you a phone number or reach out to you with investment advice. I do not give investment advice. Watch this video on Odysee!
https://odysee.com/@NaomiBrockwell:4/ditch-sms:1 ________________________________________________________________________
Here are a bunch of products I like and use. Using these links helps support the channel and future videos! Recommended Books: Beginner’s Introduction To Privacy – Naomi Brockwell
https://amzn.to/3WDSfku Permanent Record – Edward Snowden
https://amzn.to/305negc What has the government done to our money – Rothbard
https://amzn.to/2KMzmcu Extreme Privacy – Michael Bazzel (The best privacy book I’ve ever read)
Digital version: https://inteltechniques.com/book7.html (non affiliate link) No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance State – Glenn Greenwald
https://amzn.to/2UQmJ4m Some of my favorite products to help protect your privacy! Brave browser: https://brave.com/nao076 Faraday bag (signal stopping, to protect your fob, credit card, computer, and phone)
https://amzn.to/3z02UiF Data Blocker (if you’re charging your phone in an unknown port, use this so that no data is transferred)
https://amzn.to/2SVh0J2 Camera tape (electrical tape is the best tape for covering phone and computer cameras)
https://amzn.to/3Xn8xBn USB-C to ethernet adapter:
https://amzn.to/2lOVBoy Privacy Screens (use your phone and computer in public? Keep your information safe!) Computer: (Search for the size right for your computer)
MacBook Air 13″ https://amzn.to/3VQvpZ7
HP/Dell/Acer/Asus/Lenovo 15.6″ https://amzn.to/3KK1Oda
Lenovo Thinkpad/HP Elitebook/Dell 14” https://amzn.to/4enT2zq Phone: (Search for the size for your phone, decide whether you want glass or plastic!)
Galaxy s24 – https://amzn.to/3VGgb8H
iPhone 15 – https://amzn.to/45vCd1h
Pixel 8 – https://amzn.to/3KFDuJF