For the love of god, please learn what market caps are
I’m seeing so many people just not have any understanding of one of the most basic measurements of valuation. If...
I’m seeing so many people just not have any understanding of one of the most basic measurements of valuation. If...
This deep dive explores what problems plague our modern monies, and how bitcoin cures these issues.“Give me six hours to...
The popularity of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is skyrocketing in Argentina as local residents look for new ways to offset...
As currencies inflate in value, Bitcoin serves as a pressure relief valve, allowing capital to escape.As small-cap currencies inflate, Bitcoin...
Speculation that bitcoin will become a widely-used global currency seems to be a better bet now than ever before.Nassim Taleb,...
If bitcoin can fulfill economic demand for savings, it will free people from the problems with government-issued safe haven assets.For...
How many of you are on minimum or low-paid jobs? How many of you struggled to get by during the...
Some inventions are so profound that their second order effects reshape the very structures of societies. The term general purpose...
In 2018, the reoccurring “meme” in crypto space was that institutions were coming to accumulate Bitcoin, to save the then-volatile...
2020 was unforgettable, especially for Bitcoin. To help memorialize this year for our readers, we asked our network of contributors...