Coin Bureau Youtube channel hacked despite 2FA protection
It appears this was a coordinated effort targeting prominent crypto YouTubers, not just Coin Bureau.
It appears this was a coordinated effort targeting prominent crypto YouTubers, not just Coin Bureau. CEO Kris Marszalek plays down Monday’s “unauthorized activity” event, saying more information will come following the results of an...
The proof is in the pudding when it comes to Bitcoin’s proof-of-work mechanism versus a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism debate.There have...
The initiative seeks to minimize legal headaches that discourage software developers from actively contributing to Bitcoin.Jack Dorsey, the CEO of...
According to IDC’s “Global Enterprise Infrastructure Quarterly Tracker: Buyer and Cloud Deployment” report, the global cloud storage market is expected...
The latest update in Visor Finance’s exploit of 8.8 million VISR tokens saw Visor publish its post-mortem report of the...
Crypto Wojak 1: "Guys I got hacked. Lost $100 gazillion. My funds were on Metamask." Crypto Wojak 2: "Oh fuck...
Bitcoin DeFi tool BadgerDAO suffered a major attack earlier this week, and according to the current speculation, one of the...
The perpetual Ethereum difficulty bomb is evidence that blockchains can be coercive, and Bitcoin is evidence that they don’t have...
Decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms have been the target of criminal attacks this year. Investors in the blockchain-based form of finance have...