SLOOS: Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey data correction


In Table 1, the text for question 31.A has been corrected to read “Possible reasons for expecting to tighten credit standards.” Additionally, the text for reason 1 under question 31.A has been corrected to read “Expected deterioration in your bank’s capital or liquidity position.” The data in the tables are unchanged. The 2019:Q1 data points for series on subprime mortgage loan standards and demand have been corrected in both the DDP and chart package. The number of respondents was insufficient to produce meaningful data. The standards series has been corrected from zero to n.a. and the demand series has been corrected from -33.3 to n.a. These series were presented correctly in the release tables.

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In Table 1, the text for question 31.A has been corrected to read “Possible reasons for expecting to tighten credit standards.” Additionally, the text for reason 1 under question 31.A has been corrected to read “Expected deterioration in your bank’s capital or liquidity position.” The data in the tables are unchanged. The 2019:Q1 data points for series on subprime mortgage loan standards and demand have been corrected in both the DDP and chart package. The number of respondents was insufficient to produce meaningful data. The standards series has been corrected from zero to n.a. and the demand series has been corrected from -33.3 to n.a. These series were presented correctly in the release tables.

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