Z1: International Data Submissions Page SDMX files corrected
On the International Data Submissions page of the Financial Accounts Guide, SDMX Annual and SDMX Quarterly files were reposted for four OECD tables: 610 Financial Accounts Transactions (consolidated), 620 Financial Accounts Transactions (non-consolidated), 710 Financial Balance Sheets (consolidated), and 720 Financial Balance Sheets (non-consolidated). For each series in the affected files, the dimension value for “UNIT_MEASURE” was corrected to “XDC”.
On the International Data Submissions page of the Financial Accounts Guide, SDMX Annual and SDMX Quarterly files were reposted for four OECD tables: 610 Financial Accounts Transactions (consolidated), 620 Financial Accounts Transactions (non-consolidated), 710 Financial Balance Sheets (consolidated), and 720 Financial Balance Sheets (non-consolidated). For each series in the affected files, the dimension value for “UNIT_MEASURE” was corrected to “XDC”.